Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big MLM Tip - Affiliate Programs - Risky Business?

Many people advocate utilizing various affiliate program along side their MLM Business. Most will even tell you that these other programs can start to make money for you until your MLM Business takes off. While this could work, I would like to share some potential issues with following this type of business model. 

For starters, do you really want to be one of those people out there who will promote almost anything to make a buck? What does this do for your credibility with those people who are looking to join you in your primary business? You do not want prospects thinking you are not serious about this MLM Business

Plus, the vast majority of these programs do not last. This is why you see people who are promoting something new every few weeks. That one didn't work, so they are on to the next greatest thing that has little chance of lasting more than a month or two. I actually feel sorry for these people, because I used to be right there with them a few short years ago.

And now, the real danger of using affiliate programs along with your MLM Business

Before you start promoting any affiliate program, I suggest you read through your Policies and Procedures. Many companies have a policy included where as sponsoring someone into another program, when doing so jumps the chain of sponsorship as it is established within your company, is grounds for termination

Let me explain. Say you sponsor Al into your primary MLM Business. Al sponsors Bob who sponsors Charlie. You then come across an affiliate program that looks promising, and you sponsor all 3 of these people under you. You would then be in violation of that clause and subject to discipline. Now, if you shared it with Al who shared it with Bob, and so on, keeping the existing chain intact, this would be within the guidelines. The only problem would be if someone else, downline, upline or sideline to you, found your affiliate link and signed up. You would be in violation and not even realize it. 

Can you really risk it?  Is the potential to make a few bucks from that affiliate program worth risking your residual income from your primary MLM Business?

Read your Policies and Procedures carefully before promoting any affiliate program.


  1. Awesome post Bill Gelwick. Thanks to you, I had learned something you had sent me. I am very careful now with what affiliate programs I use. Thanks buddy!

  2. I had just learned of this danger from that same audio training I sent you. This is something that needs to get out there. The worst part is, they may not terminate you immediately. It could be a year or two form now, when they need money, and you've built a decent check for yourself. Well, the easiest place to look is to all those people who are in violation of their contract. BAM, easy money back in their pocket.

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  4. Thank you Marie. I have "Liked" your page and left a post.

  5. Bill, you are so right.

    There is - for me - something very strange in this MLM business. People do not look at the product, marketing plan or whatsoever... they simply follow a person. When this person changes mind, also this one changes his mind.

    To my opinion, when it comes to MLM, you first of all have to look at the product. Can you identify with it? Than have a look at the marketing plan. Is it reliable? Third have a look at you sponsor. Is he the person who will/can help you. In case of yes: great. In case of no, have a look if there are other possibilities for learning, like seminars, training material etc.

    When you identify with a product it is difficult to change your mind every moment something new arises from the horizon.

  6. Great post, Bill! I have left one company because their policy was so restrictive. I was not making much from them, and their policies stopped me earning from anyone else. Kind of stupid, as the other company I was using was in a different business, and I was using it to promote the first company as my primary opportunity!

    Guess what? If you don't pay me and you don't let me earn elsewhere, I ain't going to stay with you.

    There are plenty of companies around that don't have these restrictions. Unless you're going to trust your present company to take care of you for ever, you'd better start looking for one now. Quite a few established MLM companies have gone belly-up recently: why would you want to stay with one company in a volatile industry?

  7. @Rieke, I would disagree on one point. You can learn to love any product. If you focus on the people, build solid relationships, your retention will be much better.

    @Alan, I am a proponent of a single company model myself. If you have done your homework to begin with, a single, stable company is your best bet for residual income and security.

    Thank you all for your comments. I had no idea I would stir up so much conversation with this topic.

  8. Thanks Bill. This is informative and wise!

  9. Great Post...while I do not do affiliate marketing I had not realized this myself until I heard it being discussed on a training call.

    So many catch 22's out there you need to be aware of. Reading the P & P's is so important. Don't get caught in a termination because they threw something in there that you did not read or understand. Do let it happen to you and say "they wouldn't really do that" because they will and do.

  10. You said it Carol. We have to watch out for each other. There are a lot of companies out there that do not have our best interests in mind.

  11. Bill,

    Inspiration comes in many forms, but mostly as small doses of common sense. :) Great post.

  12. Affiliate programmes, really its are risky business? I really never know about that truth.

    I am really grateful for getting this info.

    small business courses

  13. There are always some risks in every kind of business. I think Affiliate is better e-commerce related programme.


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