Monday, May 30, 2011

Big MLM Tip of the Day: Inspiration, or the Lack There of

Inspiration can be hard to come by, especially for the frequent blogger. The truth is, inspiration can be found anywhere. Here are a few was to get the creative juices flowing. 

Visit a few of your favorite blogs looking for ideas. Recently I have been inspired by some posts and comments that were in disagreement with me and others were so inspired due to their disagreement. Just play nice. A difference of opinion can be healthy and help each person to grow. 

Draw inspiration from your surroundings. What is the weather like? Did you have an encounter during the day that stands out in Your mind? Try taking a walk and see if you can find something that sparks a thought along the way. Be sure to take a note pad with you. 

Inspiration is everywhere. Just keep your eyes open.


  1. Bill,
    Inspiration is an area where many people lack th skill of recognition. I've often found myself there and then, in a fleeting second, it's gone. Thanks for the tips.

  2. I totally agree with the above - inspiration can be found anywhere - as long as you keep your eyes and ears open. And when you think of something, just jot it down or as Bruce says, ten seconds later you have forgotten it

  3. Thank you for the comments guys. jotting down a quick note is a great idea. It's handy to keep a note pad handy, or use the notepad feature on our phone. I have a file on my phone I use for just such ideas.

  4. Hey Bill, I mostly get my inspirations in the early morning hours.That,s why I always keep my writing material on my nightstand.


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