Friday, May 13, 2011

Big MLM Tip of the Day: Sponsoring Mistakes - Leading With Your Product or Opportunity

We touched on this subject in yesterday's post when talking about presentations, but what about how you conduct yourself online? Are you promoting your business opportunity or products?

If you are trying to promote a business opportunity or product, you are going to find it difficult to progress. People want to join with a leader who obviously has it together and will be there for them. 

The buzz word in the industry now is "Attraction Marketing". The idea is to brand yourself as an expert in your particular niche and people will seek you out. This is particularly effective for network marketers. I and others I know have people coming to us asking what we do and wanting to join us. 

It takes time and work to get to that point, but once you do, you can stop chasing new leads because they will be coming to you. If you promote yourself well, you will never have to promote your business again.


  1. Attraction Marketing is a big key to promoting your business...and leading with valuable information and marketing knowledge that will educate your potential prospects. However, there are several ways to promote your MLM without (Note Marketing, Ads, PPC, Facebook PPC, video marketing)... but again... if you do promote your MLM straight out, you still have to lead with VALUE....not the 'JOIN MY BUSINESS, it's the best thing since sliced bread"....instead, you can share why YOU love the business so much and how it has helped you. When people see that you are excited about your business and that you are having success in it, it makes recruiting a little easier. I call it "Having a HOUSE with 2 doors"...Once for your MLM prospects, and the other door you should be networking with other network marketers and building relationships with them and proving value to them. At least that is how I am finding success.

  2. "The idea is to brand yourself as an expert in your particular niche and people will seek you out."

    The idea should be, to BE an expert, not just brand yourself as one. Good idea to promote yourself as the go-to person in a niche but without actual know-how,ya got nothing. The jig might not be up just yet, but the end is near.


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